Perspectives Blog
I’ll share my perspective on massage therapy and life.
Adding Medical Massage
As of September 1, I will be adding medical massage to my work. This required additional education and certification that I have completed over the past several months. My "medical massage clinic" will enable me to better serve clients who have medical issues that require massage therapy, usually advised by a physician.
Continuing My Education
Taking classes for credit at age 72 isn’t easy. But my clients expect me to be competent, effective, and current, so continuing education is part of my work life as it is for most professionals.
Me, Massage, and Meaning
Last week was graduation for 10 students of the Dayton School of Medical Massage. I attended because I have assisted four of them in small ways to become licensed massage therapists. My own graduation from the same program was six and one half years ago. Thinking about the big changes in my life has been very enjoyable. Almost everything about my “encore” career has been positive. The daily routine, the learning required, new friends, and meaningful work are much more than expected or deserved in retirement.
Touch and Massage
Human touch is among the most powerful forces we have available to heal. Massage therapy uses the power of touch to aid with rehabilitation, rejuvenation, and relaxation.
Asking for Your Forgiveness
I have not murdered, raped, intentionally injured, hit or punched, cheated, or stolen from anyone ever. But I ask for your forgiveness for whatever I may have done during my life that hurt or offended YOU in any way.
Baseball and Better Living
Whether or not you’re a baseball fan, you can take a lot of life lessons from this great American pastime.
What’s He Thinking?
As a massage therapist, I spend about six hours each weekday in touch with other people’s bodies. Little is required of my brain as I have done this over 3000 times. My hands process what they feel quickly and effortlessly.
Finding Purpose
Massage is more than therapy. Even when stricken with disease or disability, the human body is as amazing to me as the myriad stars of the universe, the inspiring beauty of nature, or the compelling elegance of language.
Medical Mission to Belize
From January 19 through 26, I participated in my third medical
mission trip to Belize, formerly British Honduras, a Central American
country of 380,000.
Grip ‘n Glide: Massage Therapy’s Metaphor for Life
Life as an LMT has provided countless life lessons, and the diversity of clients has given me a better understanding of our divided society. The art and science of massage are rich with metaphors.